Howto PyPy

Howto Display Info on Called PyPy

The data on the current called PyPy implementation release could be fetched by:

python testx --print-vinfo -i pypy

Printing for example for PyPy-5.8.0:

category           = python
disttype           = python2.7
dist               = pypy
distrel            = 5.8.0
hexrelease         = 0xa3a05200
compiler           = Python
compiler_version   = 2.7.13
c_compiler         = GCC
c_compiler_version = 7.2.1
implementation     = /usr/bin/pypy

The same call for PyPy-5.10.1:

PATH=/opt/pypy/pypy3.5-5.10.1/bin/:$PATH python testx --print-vinfo -i pypy
PATH=/opt/pypy/pypy3.5-5.10.1/bin/:$PATH python testx --print-vinfo -i pypy3.5

Printing for example for PyPy-5.10.1:

category           = python
disttype           = python3.5
dist               = pypy
distrel            = 5.10.1
hexrelease         = 0xb2a05281
compiler           = Python
compiler_version   = 3.5.3
c_compiler         = GCC
c_compiler_version = 7.2.0
implementation     = /opt/pypy/pypy3.5-5.10.1/bin/pypy3.5