Howto IPython

Howto Display Info on Called IPython

The implementation IPython is here a bit a special case, because it consists mainly on a set of libraries based on the standard CPython implementation. Anyhow, due it’s specific support for interactive processing a number of details are different from the standard CPython.

The data on the current called IPython implementation release could be fetched by:

python testx --print-vinfo -i ipython
python testx --print-vinfo -i ipython3

Printing for example for IPython-7.8.0:

category           = python
disttype           = python3.8
dist               = cpython
distrel            = 7.8.0
hexrelease         = 0xb4047200
compiler           = GCC
compiler_version   = 0.0.0
implementation     = /home/acue/venv/3.8.0/bin/python3

The same call for IPython-5.5.0:

python testx --print-vinfo -i ipython2

Printing for example for IPython-5.5.0:

category           = python
disttype           = python2.7
dist               = cpython
distrel            = 5.5.0
hexrelease         = 0xa3845140
compiler           = GCC
compiler_version   = 0.0.0
implementation     = /usr/bin/python2