.. _INSTALL: ******* Install ******* License ======= :ref:`Modified-Artistic-License-2.0 ` = :ref:`Artistic-License-2.0 ` + :ref:`Forced-Fairplay-Constraints ` * Artistic-License-2.0(base license): :ref:`ArtisticLicense20 ` * Forced-Fairplay-Constraints(amendments): :ref:`licenses-amendments ` Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez Resources ========= .. raw:: html
+--------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | prerequisite | reference | description | +==============+=============+==============================================+ | Download | PyPI | https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptestx | +--------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | Sourceforge | https://sourceforge.net/projects/setuptestx/ | +--------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | github.com | https://github.com/ArnoCan/setuptestx/ | +--------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Documents | sourceforge | https://setuptestx.sourceforge.io/ | +--------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ .. raw:: html
Online Help =========== For help on extensions to standard options call online context-help: .. parsed-literal:: python setup.py **--help-setuptestx** Install from PyPI.org ===================== Install from PyPI.org by calling: .. parsed-literal:: pip install setuptestx Once installed any supported implementation will work. The runtime package is distinct from the source package, which is also called the SDK - Sofware Developemnt Kit. The prerequisites of both are frequently slightly different. For the *SDK* and the installation from sources including offline-installation see following sections. .. _INSTALL_PREREQUISITES: Prerequisites ============= .. raw:: html
+--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | prerequisite | reference | description | +==============+==========================+============================================================+ | Runtime | Python Syntax | Python2.7+, Python3.5+, | +--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Python Distributions | CPython, PyPy, Jython, IPython, IronPython | + + + + | | | MicroPython, CircuitPython | + + + + | | | Jython is verified with: jdk-8u131, jdk-8u202, jdk-11u2 | +--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | OS-Server/WS/Notebook | AlpineLinux, ArchLinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, | + + + + | | | Gentoo, LinuxMint, OpenSUSE, OracleLinux, RHEL, | + + + + | | | Slackware, SLES, Ubuntu | + + + + | | | Minix3 | + + + + | | | FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD | + + + + | | | DragonFlyBSD, GostBSD, NomadBSD, TrueOS | + + + + | | | SnowLeopard | + + + + | | | Solaris(10, 11) | + + + + | | | Cygwin | + + + + | | | ReactOS | + + + + | | | Windows10, Windows8.1, Windows7, WindowsXP, W2000WS | + + + + | | | Windows2019, Windows2016 | + + + + | | | Windows2012, Windows2008, Windows2000 | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | OS-Special | OpenWRT, KaliLinux, pfSense | + + + + | | | BlackArch, ParrotOS, Pentoo | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | OS-Devices-altarch - ARM | AlpineLinux, ArchLinux, Armbian, BlackArchLinux, CentOS, | + + + + | | | KaliLinux, OpenWRT, ParrotOS, Raspbian | + + + + | | | FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD | + + + + | | | Windows10IoT | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Soon / TBD | VMWare-ESXi, XenServer, KVM, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift | + + + + | | | Hyper-V-2016, Hyper-V-2012, Hyper-V-2008 | + + + + | | | AWS, Azure, Google-Cloud, IBM-Cloud | +--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Packages | Python | pyfilesysobjects, pyplatformids, PyPythonids | | | | (jsonschema), (ujson/ultrajson) | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Jython | Supports Java integration, tested with: | + + + + | | | rte/jdk-8u131, rte/jdk-8u202, rte/jdk-11u2 | + + + + | | | on WindowsNT - optional: jna-5.0.0 | +--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Cygwin | cygwinreg | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | SDK | Python | CPython 2.7+, CPython 3.5+ | +--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Java | jdk >= 1.8 | + + + + | | | on WindowsNT - mandatory: jna-5.0.0 | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | bash | bash-4.x | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | documents | Sphinx >=1.4, Epydoc >=4 or Apydoc >=4 (1) | + +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | OS | Linux, Darwin, BSD, UNIX, Cygwin, Windows10 | +--------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ .. raw:: html
(1): Epydoc(4.0) and Apydoc are going to be released to public soon. Install Procedures for Sources ============================== The installation process itself is verified for *CPython*, it requires the *setuptools* package and will than work with others too. From source: .. parsed-literal:: python setup.py install Once installed any supported implementation will work. The runtime package is distinct from the source package, which is also called the SDK - Sofware Developemnt Kit. The prerequisites of both are frequently slightly different. .. raw:: html
+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | environment | description | +=============+=========================================================================+ | Runtime | Standard procedure online local install e.g. into virtual environment: | + + + | | * *python setup.py install* | + + + | | Standard procedure online local install into user home: | + + + | | * *python setup.py install --user* | + + + | | Custom procedure offline by: | + + + | | * *python setup.py install --user --offline* | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SDK | Required for document creation, add '--sdk' option, checks build tools: | + + + | | * *python setup.py install --sdk* | + + + | | Creation of documents, requires Sphinx including 'sphinx-apidoc', | | | and Epydoc: | + + + | | * *python setup.py build_doc install_project_doc install_doc* | + + + | | Compilation of Java modules for Jython, see help for suboptions. | | | The package contains the compiled standard class files, | | | this call could be used for alternative JRE. | + + + | | * *python setup.py build_java* | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. raw:: html
.. _TESTED_OS_PYTHON: Tested Platforms ================ Some default installations, e.g. *PyPy* on *OpenBSD6.3* do not work from the box, but perfectly when a specific virtual environment is created. Thus the number of actual tests is even larger. You may adapt it appropriately - or with some professional support from the author. Standard Platforms ------------------ The tested Python implementations on the supported OS on standard platforms are: .. raw:: html
+-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OS-distribution | Python implementations | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | | CPython | IPython | IronPython | Jython(1) | PyPy | Stackless | +=========================+===========+=========+============+===========+======+============+ | AlpineLinux-3.9 | X | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | AlpineLinux-3.10 | X | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | ArchLinux-2019.04.01 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | CentOS-6 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | CentOS-7 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | CentOS-8 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | CoreOS | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Cygwin | \* | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Debian-9 | \* | X | -- | X | X | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Debian-10 | \* | X | -- | X | X | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | DragonFlyBSD-5.4.0 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Fedora-27 | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Fedora-28 | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Fedora-29 | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Fedora-30 | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Fedora-31 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | FreeBSD-11.2 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Gentoo-12.1 | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | GhostBSD-19.04 | | | -- | | | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | LinuxMint-19.1 | | | -- | | | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Minix3 | | | -- | | | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | NetBSD-7.2 | | | -- | | | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | NetBSD-8.0 | | | -- | | | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OpenBSD-6.4 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OpenBSD-6.5 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OpenSUSE-15.1 | \* | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OpenSUSE-42.3 | \* | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OracleLinux-OEL7 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | OracleLinux-OEL8 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | ReactOS-0.4.11 | \* | \* | \* | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | RHEL - RHEL7 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | RHEL - RHEL8 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | SLES | | | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Slackware-14.2 | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | SnowLeopard | \* | \* | -- | \* | (--) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Solaris10 | \* | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Solaris11 | \* | \* | -- | \* | (--) | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | TrueOS-18.12 | | | -- | | | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Ubuntu-16.04 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Ubuntu-18.04 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Ubuntu-18.10 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | -- | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Ubuntu-19.04 | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | WindowsXP | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows7Ultimate | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows10Home | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows10Professional | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2008 | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2008R2 | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2012 | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2012R2 | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2016S | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2016SE | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2019S | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ | Windows2019SE | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | \* | +-------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+------------+ .. raw:: html
**(1)**: Verified *Jython-2.7.0* with: jdk-8u131, jdk-8u181, jdk-8u202, jdk-11u2 See also "Supported Standard OS and Dists" [platformids]_. Security and Network -------------------- The tested Python implementations on the supported Security and Network platforms including physical, virtual, and embedded platforms are: .. raw:: html
+-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OS-distribution | Python implementations | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | | CPython | IPython | IronPython | Jython(1) | PyPy | +=======================+===========+=========+============+===========+======+ | BlackArchLinux | X | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | KaliLinux | \* | X | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | KaliLinux ARM | \* | X | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OpenBSD | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OpenBSD - ARM | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OpenWRT | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OpenWRT - ARM | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OpenWRT - MIPS | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | ParrotOS | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | Pentoo | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | pfsense | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ .. raw:: html
**(1)**: Verified *Jython-2.7.0* with: jdk-8u131, jdk-8u202, jdk-11u2 See also "Security and Network Systems" [platformids]_. Embedded and IoT ---------------- The tested Python implementations on the supported OS on embedded and IoT platforms with alternative architecture are - RaspberryPI and Asus-TinkerBoard: .. raw:: html
+-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OS-distribution | Python implementations | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | | CPython | IPython | IronPython | Jython(1) | PyPy | +=======================+===========+=========+============+===========+======+ | AlpineLinux | X | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | ArchLinux-altarch | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | Armbian | \* | \* | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | CentOS-7-altarch | \* | -- | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | CircuitPython | | | -- | | | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | Fedora | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | FreeBSD | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | MicroPython | | | -- | | | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | NetBSD | | | -- | | | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | OpenBSD | \* | \* | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | Raspbian | \* | X | -- | \* | \* | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ | Windows10IoT | \* | \* | \* | \* | (\*) | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+------------+-----------+------+ .. raw:: html
**(1)**: Verified *Jython-2.7.0* with: jdk-8u131, jdk-8u202, jdk-11u2 See also "Embedded Systems and IoT" [platformids]_. Windows WSL-1.0 --------------- The tested within WSL-1.0: .. raw:: html
+-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | OS-distribution | Python implementations | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | | CPython | IPython | IronPython.exe(3) | IronPython(2) | Jython(1) | PyPy | +=======================+===========+=========+===================+===============+===========+======+ | AlpineLinux | OK | OK | OK | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | Debian | OK | OK | OK | \* | OK | OK | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | KaliLinux | OK | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | openSUSE | OK | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | SLES | OK | OK | OK | -- | -- | -- | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ | Ubuntu | OK | OK | OK | -- | OK | OK | +-----------------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+---------------+-----------+------+ .. raw:: html
**(1)**: Verified *Jython-2.7.0* with: jdk-8u131, jdk-8u202, jdk-11u2 **(2)**: IronPython - Call of the native IronPython as an Linux executable, e.g. as pre-alpha fro Debian, see [IronPython]_. **(3)**: IronPython.exe - Call of the Windows EXE from Linux running within the WSL, see [WINWSL]_. Executes within native *NT* environment, thus executes within runtime-context *ostype == RTE_NT*. App Frameworks -------------- special test results are available soon .. raw:: html
+----------------------------------+------------------------+---------+------------+--------+------+ | Application Framework | Python implementations | +----------------------------------+------------------------+---------+------------+--------+------+ | | CPython | IPython | IronPython | Jython | PyPy | +==================================+========================+=========+============+========+======+ | IBM WebSphere Application Server | -- | -- | -- | \* | -- | +----------------------------------+------------------------+---------+------------+--------+------+ | JBoss Application Server | -- | -- | -- | \* | -- | +----------------------------------+------------------------+---------+------------+--------+------+ | Oracle Weblogic Server | -- | -- | -- | \* | -- | +----------------------------------+------------------------+---------+------------+--------+------+ | Tomcat Server | -- | -- | -- | \* | -- | +----------------------------------+------------------------+---------+------------+--------+------+ .. raw:: html